
Posts Tagged ‘perjury’

     Detroit’s motto says something about it’s people…they don’t give up easily.  Generally, that fighting spirit is a good thing.  It helps us to overcome much in life.  The motto:  Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus means,” We hope for better things; it will arise from the ashes”.    

     That motto was written by Father Gabriel Richard when the school that he had built in Detroit was destroyed by a fire that destroyed the city in 1805.  Obviously, the people of Detroit took that motto to heart and have rallied, to rise from the ashes more than once.  It is time to fight again from recent news reports.

       Wayne county prosecutors are preparing to amend the charges against Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick for perjury in the text messaging scandal; that has all but, tied up the city of Detroit with it’s complications.  It seems that the prosecutors have discovered new text evidence that underscores the mayor’s alleged extra-marital activities; and the fact that, they were not limited to his former aide Christine Beatty.  It makes you wonder if she knew of the others; and how she feels about their relationship now.  It also makes you wonder if his wife knew of the others before it came to light in recent days; she has shown great forebearance by standing by him;  when the other accusations came to light about Ms. Beatty.  Mr. Kilpatricks personal and public relationships are appearing to be very complex; and the text documentation could prove to be his legal undoing. (more…)

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