
Posts Tagged ‘respect’

If you haven’t heard the news yet, it appears that NY Democratic representative Anthony Weiner is caught up in a social media scandal that has caused great controversy.  In the beginning he said, that risque photos posted in the public time-line of his Twitter account was the work of a hacker. However, it has since been disclosed by Anthony Weiner that the photos were of himself and that he posted them to women that he “met” in his online relationships.

He’s stated that he has not met them in real life.  His credibility is being called into question because of the lies he initially told regarding the scandal.  His judgment is part of that controversy in regards to his career. Many people are wondering whether someone who would lie to his constituents, his family, his friends, and the media could do his job with honesty and integrity. To keep reading: Write Where You Are Blog

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For every person who has attempted online, there is a a story or two of an experience of let down regarding expectation either with the marketers product or with their promises.  The truth of the matter is that for a while now, some internet marketers have over promised what their products can do and under-delivered what they promised.  This has led to  a perception that all online marketers are scammers.  That just isn’t true.

So, how does someone who has a great product go about getting it known that they have a great product and get people to buy without all of that ugly over the top hypey advertising.  How does an honest marketer revolt and let others see what they are doing online to make money in an honest and ethical way?  They do it by being genuine…they do it by being real; creating great products your customers can use, and raise the standards of their conduct and raising the standards of what their potential customers can expect.Continue reading here: Write Where You Are

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A new interview with Billy Ray Cyrus is making the news, as a pensive Billy Ray rues that the show Hannah Montanna came into his family’s life.  He expresses that he feels that it has destroyed his family.  I think it is with good reasons that he has those regrets.  After all, in the last year his 18 year old daughter Miley Cyrus has made multiple headlines that have left many of her fans, and the parents of her fans, feel like she has left those roots of which she was so proud of before.  Those roots that spoke of family values and Christian beliefs.

Miley Cyrus became so rich and so overwhelmingly popular that she began to make changes like dressing more provocatively.   She not only “grew up”; she changed her image.   She made very grown up videos with older men and she was caught on film smoking Salvia in a bong (which is not illegal in California but which has hallucinogenic affects on the people who smoke it).   Billy says that he always tried to be a friend to his children and now he regrets not being more of a disciplinarian type of a parent. Many parents realize this type of mistake…but, when there are people who form a wall around your child, I would imagine it is harder to talk things out.   Billy didn’t have the title of being his daughter’s manager in business either…so he had no official say so in those business decisions of hers.  He feels that much of what has happened in recent months has been out of his control.  To continue reading click here:  Write Where You Are

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This past weekend I had what I would call an eye opening moment concerning self esteem and interpersonal relationships.  My pre-teen daughter had a couple of friends overnight.  These girls spend many hours together at school but this was the first time that they had an overnight together.  All three are high energy girls and each one is a bit of a diva.  So, I didn’t expect the weekend to go without a hitch. However, as the girls got comfortable I started to hear comments and partial comments that made me stop and listen a little more closely.  The reason for that?  Continue reading:  Write Where You Are

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Baby Boomers, do you remember the old-time style of witnessing?  You know, standing on the corner or knocking on the doors of strangers and telling them the good news about Jesus, the son of God?  It was truly a commitment to the instruction of scripture, for the children of God, to go into the world and spread good news.

The Good News meaning that Jesus was born the son of God, come into the world to offer hope to a lost and dying world that they might accept him, repent of their sins and grow in their relationship with God the Father and have eternal life with him in Heaven, instead of living a sinful life of destruction and pain.

I have admiration for those who can and have witnessed in that way door to door or on the streets.  It is not for everyone however, and it is not the only way to win souls.  Society has changed and in some ways not for the better.  Personal safety issues are part of the equation.  It simply is not safe to send teens or young people into settings where they are encouraged to step foot into the homes of strangers where they may, or may not, be wanted.  Today’s secular world has little respect for life, or for Christian values.

Today, that type of witnessing still happens on some level…but, times have changed in the way that we deliver the good news.  We still need to honor and perform the great commission (the task of evangelizing) around the world; however, our approach must be different to be considered highly effective.  People’s hearts are hard and their sins are proudly displayed and openly encouraged by the misguided members of our society.

We have to bring the message to where they are; and, many people are online. Continue reading here: Write Where You Are

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Do you ever look around you and become discouraged by the standards with which people live their lives either in business, or on a personal level?  I am a people watcher  by nature.  I can’t help it.  It seems to me that as a society we are slipping in the area of personal conduct; we need to raise the standards of acceptable behavior.  Not only do people not treat each other well, they often don’t expect to be treated well themselves.  A lot of that is due to the fact that many people don’t even realize or accept the fact that they deserve to be treated better and everyone else is just going their own way.

It has become a way of life to do what feels good at the moment and not worry about having a high standard of conduct.  Live and let live…don’t make waves…be politically correct at all times; even at the cost of what you believe to be the appropriate conduct, right?  Wrong…lowering the standards of acceptable behavior can lead to… If you would like to finish reading this post click here: Writewhereyouare

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     Isn’t it sad to see someone who was once considered beautiful, sexy, popular and much sought after turned into an empty shell?  In other words a hottie turned into a nottie?  One of the big misconceptions that the media portrays on men and women is that all you have to do to be successful is to be attractive, popular and available.  If a person falls into that trap and doesn’t develop some deeper qualities and values in life…eventually, the emptiness turns a person into a sad, shell of a person who seeks attention in the only way they know how; displaying what they consider to be their only value…their body.

        You see this all of the time in the world of celebrities…but everyday people often fall into that trap as well.  Beauty, youth, and popularity all pass away in time…what’s left is the spirit, the mind, and their purpose in life.  If those aren’t developed along the way…the search for meaning is sometimes mis-directed onto meaningless relationships, trendy pseudo-religions, drugs/alcohol abuse, and endless dramatic attempts to seek attention. 

         As a society we need to devalue the attention that the media puts on empty pursuits by public role models.  We need to encourage those sports figures, politicians, and celebrities who are doing positive…purposeful things in life.  Quite giving time and attention to those who are living on the edge and doing nothing more with the gifts in their lives than pursuing selfish and destructive behaviors.  In raising our children, we need to develop character building, self esteem, and goals of reaching out to others. 

          We do this by teaching them to discover how to connect to others, give back to those who are less fortunate in life, teach them spiritual fulfillment, and to value their bodies by encouraging modesty and healthy self- esteem building techniques. 

           I dont like seeing young guys or gals flaunting their bodies or their finances to gain attention; I like it even less when i see a 40-60 year old who talks, acts, spends, and dresses like a teenager…because that is the only way they know to attract members of the opposite sex.   Let’s encourage an attitude of growth, respect, confidence, and personal development as a way of life!

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        There is a debate brewing about whether news media should have access to photograph the coffins of returning military men and women, killed in the line of duty, when their bodies are returned to Dover Air Force Base.  There is strong controversy about whether this should be allowed or not.  In 1991, President George H. Bush enacted a ban on the photographing of the coffins.  It just was not allowed to happen, by the order of the President.

         This has been a matter of contention.  Some people believe that allowing  the photographs could make an impact on the  minds of the citizens of the United States as to the cost of war; as the death toll rises from the wars in recent years.  There are many who feel that by not seeing the evidence of the coffins, people would not understand the depths of the sacrifice that our service persons were making.  In effect, out of sight…out of mind.  (more…)

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     I can’t believe all of the different things that this inauguration appears to mean to each person that i talk to or read about.  Some people are moved to tears by the inspiration of it all.  Some people are in awe of the historical nature.  For others it is more personal; they have invested so much of their own personal hopes and dreams into the candidates for the office of the President of the United States.  Observing the inauguration is a very personal and a very public thing.  The swearing in of the 44th President of the United States is a solemn occasion and is observed by all in a variety of ways.

      For quite some time there has been indiviual stories on the news about individuals who have made the trek to view the ceremonies in person…some have borrowed money to get there or made amazing sacrifices to fund the trip.  Others who are content to watch from their homes watch avidly….others in dismay.

      Supporters of candidates who did not win the nominations have differing views and opinions.  I watch and look for conflicting emotions on the faces of those who could have been in a different place during todays proceedings..and yet…i see pride, joy and excitement in their faces.

       Watching the former Presidents and the mixture of emotions and memories flood their visage is truly something to see.  Their wives remembering their time in the spotlight…reflecting on the changes since their moment…you can see the strength that it takes to endure the pressures and the passage of time.

        It is no simple time …the respect of the responsibility, the solemness of the swearing in…the honor…the pride…the exaltation…it is such a mixture of the past, the present and the future.  Truly…can feel the waves of deeply held beliefs and expectations.  For this one day, we can enjoy the coming together as a nation.  There will be time on another day to examine the differences, the disappointments, the frustrations and the solutions to problems that exist…For now…today is momentous!  I am thrilled that God is acknowledged as the ultimate authority of our nation…I pray that President Barack Obama submits his actions to be wholly acceptable to the only person who he should be in submission to at this point and that is God himself.  May God bless our nation…and may we live up to the standards that he expects from us.

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     Ok…this is seriously outrageous.  Little Caylee Anthony, who was murdered in Florida, is the focus of an important court motion.  It is shameful that not only was the 2 year old murdered and thrown away, like an animal left on the side of the road after being hit.  However, it gets even worse because, there are “people” who are trying to get access to the pictures of the photographs of Caylee’s remains.  Matter of a fact, Caylee’s killer showed less respect for her life, than most people do when they hit an animal, accidently, while driving down the road.

       Prosecutors in the legal case are  allegedly asking the judge to put restrictions on the photographs of Caylee’s remains.  There are photographs on disk that are allegedly being given to the lawyer representing Caylee’s mother for the case.  However, reports say that big time media have paid money to get licensing rights to photographs and videos of little Caylee when she was alive.  Any kind of pictures would be of interest to those who wish to bring viewers a new picture before it gets in the hands of a competitor.  Prosecutors want to pre-empt any possible attempt of  improper use of the photographs that will be used as evidence in the case; that is just common sense.   They need to safeguard the process of the legal system, so that justice can be served without jepardizing the outcome of the case by the misuse of the evidence. 

     This should just be a matter of common sense…however, there are those who will push the envelope of decency.  Just earlier this past week…a gentleman who was skiing had an unfortunate incident on a ski lift and was suspended upside down, his pants and underclothing yanked off of his body, and pulled down to his ankles.  Here he was, hanging upside down…naked from the waist down to his feet…and, people actually took pictures and posted them on the internet.  It appears that people truly do not care about decency or respect of another person’s misery.  In Caylee’s situation, she is not alive to be humiliated or saddened; however, she had family, friends and neighbors who are horrified by the idea of having pictures of Caylee’s remains published and put on display;  for money, or for ratings.

        It is outrageous that these types of legal measures even have to be considered.  Caylee was a victim of murder.  She was tossed away and hidden.  She was not buried in any semblence of respect or caring.  She was offered no dignity in death.  She was a little girl who deserved to live; but, because someone stole her life from her, she was not protected from this further indignity.

        I hope that the courts impose very strict guidelines regarding how these sad photographs can be used.  I think that anyone who makes money off of photographs or video’s of the young child should be ashamed of themselves.  Even the pictures of a happy, living, breathing Caylee only seem to underscore the horror of the knowledge that she died too young and in a horrible way.  Programs that would use the videos and pictures to build stories around, are to me, another assault on the memory of Caylee. 

        People all around the nation have gazed upon the pictures that are already out there of her.  We know in our hearts and minds that an innocent 2 year old child should be remembered as just that, an innocent 2 year old child.  She should not be remembered as she was left in the woods.  Her short life should not be marketed for a news program or an entertainment program.  She doesn’t have to be humanized for the masses…because we all know and love other children her age; it isn’t hard to imagine what she was like. 

       I don’t think we have heard the last of things in this case that will offend us, outrage us, sadden us, or just plain disappoint us in the condition of our culture’s humanity levels; do you?

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