
       You may have noticed that I haven’t posted here in a few days…I have moved; that is my big news.   I sure would love it if you would come and see me at my new environment.  It will look familiar to you, it will still feel comfortable and yet, because change is change…it will be a little bit different.  I will still write about all that is going on in the world, my observations and opinions.  I had to move and expand my wings.    Come and see me anyway; relationships are no fun when it is only one -sided…if i write…who will read?  http://www.writewhereyouareblog.com  I miss your company and your comments on my blog!!!

Nothing gets a crafter more excited than going to a supply store and seeing miles of material…full of color, prints and patterns and finding all kinds of things to decorate your project with from buttons, thread, appliques, zippers, feathers, sequins, ribbon or rhinestones to jazz up your project.  Friends and family get all excited when they see projects coming out of your creativity…this inspires them to say…sew me something.  That is what we do at Its Sew Made.    Click the link and take a peek.  You might have to click through the display pictures for a few rotations before you can see all of the completed projects…as for some reason it repeats the beginning pictures three or four times. 

It has come to my attention that people will often find themselves doing amazing things after finding themselves in challenging situations.  Take for instance this family i know.  Their son Keegan had cancer…and life got pretty challenging not only for Keegan but for his whole family.  Keegan lives with his parents and he has a younger sibling and an older sibling.  Living in a rural area means that when you have cancer treatments you often have to do a lot of traveling to and from bigger cities that have the facilities that you can not necessarily get in your own small town.  This not only puts a financial hardship on families but it also creates many opportunities for separation of family members.   It is difficult  to be able to work a job or two, balance the physical and emotional needs of all the family members and still find the extra energy to take care of yourself.   Those are issues this family understands, the stress of it all, as they have been through it themselves.

This particular family has gotten through all of that and they decided, as a family, to give back to others going through similar situations.  They were blessed over and over again by friends, family members and  even total strangers during all of the trials they faced while going through testing and treatments.  They have decided to form a non profit to help others.  To get the non profit status, they must raise funds to file all of the necessary paperwork with the state and federal government.

This week they are doing an online auction on their Facebook page Team Keegan   If you believe in doing good things, in taking a challenge and using it to bless others…won’t you visit their page and bid on some of their donated items?  I believe there are wonderful items such as:  a child’s wooden rocking horse, a picture hand-created by Keegan, a sock monkey in a hospital robe, baby chickens, a hand-sewn American made fabric purse, a tote bag with a swaddling blanket and burp rag and a photo package from a local photographer.  This is a fundraiser…and they are planning on doing good things to bless other children and their families facing medical challenges.

If you have ever known someone who has faced cancer then you know just how important support can be.  Please help this family achieve their dream of becoming a non-profit organization who reaches out to others in need.  Thanks for being willing to read this far.  Now won’t you go visit their page at Team Keegan ?

I know that You Tube is like the go to channel for everyone.  Here is a great video that Harvey Poling created to bring awareness of what we do at Its Sew Made on Facebook.  Harvey is the sole owner of  Video Editing Simplified.   Check out his skilled video creation and editing skills on this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBk76spkFNo&feature=youtu.be   Pretty amazing don’t ya think so?

Having started making fun crafts for an upcoming craft show in June, we started posting pictures of our projects on Facebook to see what people really responded to and wow…people have been really “liking” our page.  We’ve made baby burp rags and crayon roll ups; but what people are really excited about are our hand-sewn purses, tote bags and diaper bags.  We’ve done theme bags from autism awareness bags, to sock monkeys, to hero firemen purses, breast cancer awareness purses and childhood cancer awareness.  These bags are custom made bow tuck and tote bags…there are so many possibilities to express the owners interests or passions when picking out fabric and colors.   We also make zippered pouches.  These are themes that have meaning to people and they are not only using them for educating others to a cause that is dear to them but also to add a touch of style and personality in what they carry on their shoulder everyday.  If you are interested you can check out our new hobby page on Facebook take a look here;  Its Sew Made .

Well, it seems as though a hobby of mine and some friends has turned into a labor of love.  We started making some gifts and accessories at the sewing machine for an upcoming craft show and it has turned into something over and above; as people have been viewing our crafts and then…requesting things of their own.  To continue reading: Write Where You Are

Wow!  Can I just tell you what a joy it was to read, Man Shoes-The Journey To Becoming A Better Man, Husband & Father?  It is my privilege to review this book; I believe that the author, Tom Watson, has some real valuable wisdom to offer his readers.   Tom  was born to parents ill prepared to raise a child in a healthy & life affirming way.  He was placed into 13 different foster homes…some of which were little more than a systemic form of a physical & psychological torture chamber. 

Tom was placed into foster care because his Aunt Donna & Uncle Roy found the courage to report the erratic parental care that infant Tom was experiencing.  His parents would drop him off here and there and neglect to pick him up at the times that they agreed to.  At one year of age, he became a foster child because his aunt and uncle found the strength of character to endure family censure by reporting the situation to the proper authorities.  Tom expresses his gratefulness to them for doing so…even though he suffered greatly in multiple foster homes until he came to the place where his body and soul were nurtured.  His life story actually proceeds with joy and gratefulness.  To read the rest of this review go to:  Book In Review

In America we take so many things for granted.  If we get sick, we go to the pharmacy and pick up over the counter medication that can help us get well.  Other times, we go to the doctor and get prescription medicine to help us get well from an infection or sickness.  We are blessed.  We have instant access to information to help keep ourselves well.

The best thing is that we have been taught that washing our hands well with soap can help to keep us healthy.  We have access to soap and water on a regular basis.  Not everyone is so lucky.  What they don’t know and don’t have access to can harm them or kill them.  Soap and water save lives and there is a Global Soap Project that you may not be aware of to get soap into the hands of people who are in need of it, to stay well.  To continue click here.

If you haven’t heard the news yet, it appears that NY Democratic representative Anthony Weiner is caught up in a social media scandal that has caused great controversy.  In the beginning he said, that risque photos posted in the public time-line of his Twitter account was the work of a hacker. However, it has since been disclosed by Anthony Weiner that the photos were of himself and that he posted them to women that he “met” in his online relationships.

He’s stated that he has not met them in real life.  His credibility is being called into question because of the lies he initially told regarding the scandal.  His judgment is part of that controversy in regards to his career. Many people are wondering whether someone who would lie to his constituents, his family, his friends, and the media could do his job with honesty and integrity. To keep reading: Write Where You Are Blog

It is interesting to contemplate some of the facets of a man who was such a controversial figure in American culture.  Jack Kevorkian was known at one time in the media as Dr. Death because of his involvement in assisting individuals with taking their lives…this was titled assisted suicide.  Today, Jack Kevorkian died after a two week hospitalization for pneumonia.  He is believed to have died from a blood clot but they will know more later.  He struggled with the pneumonia and kidney complications during the hospitalization from media reports.

A lot has been said about Jack Kevorkian in the media over the years. To continue: Write Where You Are

Today was predicted to be Judgment Day by Harold Camping; a controversy even within those who believe in Judgment Day. Harold is an evangelist from California who says that God was returning today to judge the just and the unjust…those who would go to Heaven and those who would go to hell. Many have joked and many have mocked. It has gotten a lot of attention.

The problem is that IF today is not the day (most Christians have dismissed it as THE day because scripture says no man knows the day or the hour…not even Jesus Christ…only God the Father knows); many people will continue to think of Judgment Day as merely the title of a movie or a theory of religious zealots. The majority of Christians have stepped away from, not only this prediction of day and time, but those of others who have predicted Judgment day in the past.

I have heard that Jesus is coming soon most of my life…however, soon is a matter of opinion. I DO believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he is returning for those who believe in him and those who are serving him on a daily basis…living their lives according to what the scriptures tell them to do to be Holy. Already the news people are moving the story to the back of the page. The story mentions that are appearing now in reports and articles, are that the Rapture has not happened on the other side of Earth where it is already May 22, 2011.

You need to read the Bible if you are truly interested in the End Times. There are people who don’t know what the signs to look for are. Wars and rumors of wars, natural disasters, politcal unrest around the world…these things are happening now.  There are other signs as well. Our world is going to end and there WILL be a new Heaven and a new Earth…but, you must read the Bible or consult with a Bible Believing counselor, pastor or advisor who is learned about the subject.

The Bible says be not fooled by false teachers and prophets, or those who promise peace…many will want to believe because the world is so troubled; but that is when the anti-Christ will appear and seem so able to handle things promising and doing things that people will be fooled by. Read the word and be informed.

It is no joke…one day..again…no one knows the day or the time…God is coming back for those who have confessed that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of all who believe. Are you ready? If you have sins in your life…or your life has areas that need dealing with and cleaning up…talk to God. Got problems that feel too big to handle, or a feeling of emptiness that just can’t get filled up with all the things that the world has to offer? Been abused, abandoned, hurt or been the one doing those things? God can fix it all, if you give him a chance. Get your heart right…open the doors of communication through prayer and tell God that you are ready for him to come into your heart and make it right.